Sunday, December 21, 2008

It Begins


To introduce myself, I'm a "young" artist/plamodeller/guitarist/otaku living in the snowed in part of Vancouver. I've been posting on deviantart since 2004, but after seeing what it's become, I decided that I really need my own site. So many idiots.....

I will be posting all of my art from now on here and once I get my camera, figure and model reviews, and general workings and distresses of my life.

Here's a little something of a 2d girl to make my page look a little less bleak. One of mine from last week sometime. Should have new girls posted around boxing day.
Luna welcomes you to my blog:


  1. Such pretty art... Moaaar

    I shall blogroll uuu!

  2. Nice that you have a blog now.
    Will add you to my links.


    PS. Don't mind the Wordpress address that I have entered. Just follow the link provided in this comment post.

  3. a fellow DCer here saying hi. welcome to the blogosphere, lol. you're very good at drawing, hope to see more of your artworks in the future ^^


  4. I guess I will be keeping watch on your blog too.

    Can you allow name/url comments? :\ My Google account has long since been inactive.

  5. hello! post your own fan-art maybe?

  6. Don't mind me, just stopping by to say hello.
